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Wellness Programs


Complete an exercise program independently with added benefit of

1-on-1 consultation.


Dr. Cody is registered with a number of gyms in the Denver area that will allow us to train and use their equipment.


Have Dr. Cody come to your studio, school, or theatre and teach a tailored fitness class.



Everyone needs help sometimes. Get personalized coaching for you or your organization.


Choose from a variety of programs geared towards leveling up the physical aspects of performance. Programs run 8 weeks and include:

  • Detailed Functional Movement Analysis by Dr. Cody

  • Zenith Program, which includes 8 weeks’ worth of distinct and progressively more challenging exercises

  • Weekly Consultation with Dr. Cody (30 minutes), where you can discuss your questions and curiosities about health, wellness, and movement in regards to your personal and professional goals


These programs are specially crafted for:

  • Busy people who are on the go and feel they will have trouble committing the time to a full episode of Physical Therapy

  • Those wanting to live more frugally and needing to invest their resources in other endeavors, but still want the benefits of a customized exercise program and focused attention of a personal Physical Therapist.

  • Those who are more or less healthy, but are seeking more from their physicality in their performance.


Be sure to check out the most recent programs! More and more are added every day! Be on the lookout for the perfect program for your unique needs!

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